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Session Restore

Must-have productivity extension for Unity

This is a Unity extension for anyone working on multiple Unity scenes/projects and knows how distracting context switching is and wants to improve the workflow of their team.


With this extension, each time you come back to your scene/project you’ll find it in exactly the same state you last left it in,  instead of everything resetting to defaults with an unrelated scene camera view.

The Problem:
Currently each time Unity opens, plays or builds a scene all of the GameObjects in the hierarchy window are collapsed and nothing is selected. This can be annoying because you frequently have to manually navigate to the last area of hierarchy you were working on, if you can remember where it was.  The scene view camera is also not saved per-scene or per-project, so you’ll also keep adjusting it to making it relevant.

All this hurts workflow efficiency.

The Solution:
Session Restore solves this by automatically restoring your hierarchy window state when you open, play or build your scenes in Unity. This includes the expanded / collapsed state and also the selection.  It can also restore a per-scene scene view camera.


  • Restores hierarchy window
  • Restores selection state
  • Restores scene view camera
  • Improves workflow and sanity
  • No setup, just import the package and it starts working immediately
  • Highly optimised, you won’t even know it’s there
  • Unity 5.6 – 2022.x supported
  • All Unity platforms supported
  • Full source code included



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