Upgrading from AVPro Video 1.x
If you have existing projects based on the legacy AVPro Video 1.x product, it is possible to upgrade them to AVPro Video 2.x using the steps below.
It is not possible to have AVPro Video 1.x and 2.x within the same project as there would be conflicts.
Upgrading projects is not something we recommend as there have been a lot of changes between the two API versions. Before starting this process we recommend having a backup or source control for your project.
Scenes, Prefabs and Scripts
Existing scenes and prefabs should mostly upgrade correctly, as we have created serialisation fixups for most properties. Existing scripts will need to be manually updated to the new API using the reference below.
- Close Unity and open your project up fresh (otherwise some of the plugin files will be locked if you have used the AVPro Video scripts or plugins during your editor session, which will prevent them from being deleted)
- The old AVPro Video package must be deleted:
- Delete the old AVPro Video plugins folder (usually found at Assets/Plugins). When you do this you must be careful that you don't have other files in there from other packages.
- Delete the old AVPro Video main folder (usually found at Assets/AVProVideo)
- Optionally delete the old sample videos folder (usually found in /Assets/StreamingAssets/AVProVideoSamples)
- Import the latest AVPro Video 2.x package
- Fix script compile issues in your project using the list of API changes below
API Changes
A non-exhaustive list of API changes:
Legacy 1.x | New 2.x | Notes |
Types |
class CubemapCube | Removed | |
class DisplayBackground | Removed | |
class DisplayBackground | Removed | |
class DebugOverlay | Removed | |
class UpdateStereoMaterial | class UpdateMultiPassStereo | |
class ApplyToTextureWidgetNGUI | Removed | |
enum MediaPlayer.FileLocation | enum MediaPathType | |
Fields |
MediaPlayer.m_VideoPath | MediaPlayer.MediaPath.Path | Loading Notes |
MediaPlayer.m_VideoLocation | MediaPlayer.MediaPath.PathType | Loading Notes |
MediaPlayer.m_AutoOpen | MediaPlayer.AutoOpen | |
MediaPlayer.m_AutoStart | MediaPlayer.AutoStart | |
MediaPlayer.m_Loop | MediaPlayer.Loop | |
MediaPlayer.m_Volume | MediaPlayer.AudioVolume | |
MediaPlayer.m_Balance | MediaPlayer.AudioBalance | |
MediaPlayer.m_Muted | MediaPlayer.AudioMuted | |
MediaPlayer.m_PlaybackRate | MediaPlayer.PlaybackRate | |
MediaPlayer.m_Resample | MediaPlayer.UseResampler | |
MediaPlayer.m_ResampleMode | MediaPlayer.ResampleMode | |
MediaPlayer.m_ResampleBufferSize | MediaPlayer.ResampleBufferSize | |
MediaPlayer.m_StereoPacking | Replaced with FallbackMediaHints | |
MediaPlayer.m_AlphaPacking | Replaced with FallbackMediaHints | |
MediaPlayer.m_DisplayDebugStereoColorTint | Removed | |
MediaPlayer.m_FilterMode | MediaPlayer.TextureFilterMode | |
MediaPlayer.m_WrapMode | MediaPlayer.TextureWrapMode | |
MediaPlayer.m_AnisoLevel | MediaPlayer.TextureAnisoLevel | |
MediaPlayer.m_LoadSubtitles | MediaPlayer.SideloadSubtitles | |
DisplayUGUI._mediaPlayer | DisplayUGUI.CurrentMediaPlayer | |
DisplayIMGUI._mediaPlayer | DisplayIMGUI.Player | |
DisplayIMGUI._color | DisplayIMGUI.Color | |
Methods |
MediaPlayer.OpenVideoFromFile() | MediaPlayer.OpenMedia() | |
MediaPlayer.CloseVideo() | MediaPlayer.CloseMedia() | |
MediaPlayer.OpenVideoFromBuffer() | MediaPlayer.OpenMediaFromBuffer() | |
MediaPlayer.StartOpenChunkedVideoFromBuffer() | MediaPlayer.StartOpenChunkedMediaFromBuffer() | |
IMediaInfo.GetDurationMs() | IMediaInfo.GetDuration() | Time format changes |
IMediaInfo.GetAudioTrackCount() | IAudioTracks.GetAudioTracks().Count | Tracks |
IMediaControl.GetCurrentTimeMs() | IMediaControl.GetCurrentTime() | Time format changes |
IMediaControl.GetBufferingProgress() | No replacement | |
IMediaControl.GetBufferedTimeRange() | Time Ranges | |
IMediaControl.GetBufferedTimeRangeCount() | IMediaControl.GetBufferedTimes().Count | Time Ranges |
IMedaControl.SetAudioTrack() | IAudioTracks.SetActiveAudioTrack() | Tracks |
All time values have changed from 32-bit float milliseconds, to 64-bit double seconds.
int trackCount = mediaPlayer.AudioTracks.GetAudioTracks().Count;
AudioTrack track = mediaPlayer.AudioTracks.GetAudioTracks()[index];
Media Hints
MediaHints hints = mediaPlayer.FallbackMediaHints;
hints.stereoPacking = StereoPacking.None;
mediaPlayer.FallbackMediaHints = hints;
Time Ranges
int bufferZones = IMediaControl.GetBufferedTimes().Count
TimeRange range = IMediaControl.GetBufferedTimes()[0];
PlayMaker actions from AVPro Video 1.x are not included in 2.x
Other Changes
Without going into detail, other API changes include:
- Custom HTTP headers
- Setting audio output mode
- macOS, iOS and tvOS have been unified, so most mentions of 'MacOSX' have been replaced with 'Apple'